King’s Fund.
Greater Than The Sum Of Our Parts - Creating and sharing the Network story.
‘I really enjoyed working with you. Lots of great ideas to try and to take forward’
Senior Consultant – Leadership & Organisational Development King’s Fund.
The King's Fund is an independent charitable organisation working to improve health and care in England. Their vision is that the best possible health and care is available to all. Within their 2-day King’s Fund Leadership Development Programme, they worked with Greater Manchester Clinical Network to explore their leadership role. They asked us to help lead a practical session with the Network to define, create and share their Story.
As part of day 1, we delivered a collaborative workshop that helped members from across the network come together in small groups to define the Network’s value and importance: how much greater the total is to the sum of its parts. And to see these values and articulate them as stories about their immediate circle, Greater Manchester and the NHS as a whole. The techniques challenged and enabled the participants to clarify, tangibly what was important to them to say about the Network now, to who and what do their audiences need to know.
The Network members forged new, and strengthened existing links between each other while gaining a better understanding of what the Network was for and what it could achieve. They gained greater insights into how they could work more closely and effectively together as the Network, whilst improving that essential leadership quality: open and honest communication that connects your audience to your purpose, and ignites their desire to actively take part in it.