
Time For Change - Creating a visitor engagement training programme, delivered in-house for long-term sustainability through Train the Trainer.

‘Lily, Josh and Ben are excellent trainers and it has been a delight to work with them so far. They fill a room with enthusiasm, and have been very collaborative, considerate and flexible with our team in the creation of a tailored Visitor Engagement Training programme (despite numerous covid-related delays and subsequent necessary alterations!). This is a really exciting project for us and have confidence in the value that it will bring for our visitors and colleagues alike.’

Tate, Learning and Development.


Tate is a family of four art galleries in London, Liverpool and Cornwall. Their mission is to increase the public’s enjoyment and understanding of British art from the 16th century to the present day and of international modern and contemporary art. To help do this, they have a large number of visitor-facing staff and volunteers. Tate wanted to develop and roll out a visitor care and engagement training programme that would create an experience that is more attractive and accessible to a wider range of people, and which also encourages more spending and donating in support of the gallery’s work.


We consulted with staff, from across Tate seniority and front of house roles, to ensure the programme was set to achieve something everyone believed in and delivered the help and support required to create the desired for visitor experience. The sessions needed to cater for different visitor facing roles and new recruits alongside seasoned old hands whilst never losing or talking down to anyone.

The set of 3 workshops looked at creating a warmer welcome throughout a visit; connecting with visitors while engaging them to the art, architecture and history of Tate; dealing with difficult situations; looking at Tate’s mission, vision and values and at developing staff so that their experience of working at Tate is equally rewarding to that of visitors.


As the retail and volunteer teams wished to join, the project evolved into Train the Trainer programme so the workshops could be delivered to a greater number and sustainably develop over time. We trained staff from Tate Britain, Tate Modern and Tate Liverpool to be able to deliver the three workshops to their colleagues in house. This more sustainable approach allows for all current, alongside future, visitor facing staff to receive the training, creating a unified approach to and quality of visitor experience. By delivering the workshops, the Tate trainers are in a great position to offer support and encouragement to meet and develop the practical aspirations and goals set by staff for the visitor experience they can give at Tate.


EY Art Sponsorship.


Thackeray Museum of Medicine.