Client Stories.
Why did our clients come to us? How did they experience our work? What did they gain and what did we achieve for them?
Empathy - getting the most out of communication by putting ourselves in our audience’s shoes, so as to consider both their and our needs and ensure they are aligned or addressed.
Hearts and Minds - the power of engagement to bring others with you through change.
Leading the way with Storytelling – an organisation wide approach to communication.
Make That Appeal Even More Appealing - Getting the most from high-value partnerships.
Shining a Light - Finding then creating the insight story to quickly and easily illustrate in-depth research to clients.
Spread the Word! - increase awareness and participation of potential stakeholders.
Making It Real - The understanding and cascading of change throughout an organisation.
Is That In My Job Description? - Finding the story to communicate an e-learning programme to support new functions.
Meaningful Consultation and Collaboration - Ensuring the community shape their future.
Not Just in Emergencies - Collaborating across sectors to serve the public better with shrinking resources.
More than an Away Day - Strengthening Partnerships through Creative Collaboration across Services.
You’ve Got This - Individual coaching to prepare a presentation so it would connect with a challenging audience.
Enjoyable? Productive?? Fun??? - Teambuilding days can work (even online).
It Was So Complicated - Updating the tour story and its delivery to connect and engage a new and wider audience.